BBS Registration




BBS Registration

As an owner of property within MOSN, you are permitted full access to the Bulletin Board System. Renters and visitors may read the main portions of the BBS but may not fully access certain sensitive portions of the BBS.

To gain full access, complete the Welcome Form below and submit it to the Social Committee. A USERNAME and PASSWORD will be provided within a few days.

If you are an owner at MOSN, by filling out a Welcome Form, I will be able to include your contact information on the Neighborhood Owners’ Roster, which can be useful during an emergency. The Roster is only available on this BBS to other owners who are signed in with their username & password. If you do not already have a username & password for the BBS you can register yourself. Usernames must be in the format LastName.FirstName. I can help you get registered if necessary.

Owner form: MOSN Welcome Form Owners 2023-10-29 fillable.pdf(54.13 KiB) Downloaded 1 time
If you are a renter or have a renter on your pad, this form will allow us to add your email to the Social Contacts list. This can also be useful in case of an emergency or just to contact you in the case an event you have signed up for has changed. You can also order name badges on the Renter form.

Renter form: MOSN Welcome Form Renters 2023-10-29 fillable.pdf(54.25 KiB) Downloaded 1 time
After downloading the form, you can complete it electronically, save it, and email it to me at for Owners or for Renters.
Or – you can print the completed form, take a photo of it, then attach the photo to a text message, sending it to 989-430-6091.

You can also find blank forms in the wall pockets near the bulletin boards of each clubhouse.

If you order name badges, you will be contacted by Laura Baker, Welcome Committee Coordinator, to arrange pre-payment.

It is appreciated if any “good neighbor” in our community would be willing to download this form and offer it to your new neighbors. If you are renting out your property, please consider providing our Renters Welcome Form to them.

Thank you,
Linda Bittell

Should this page remain within the website?